Super Tuesday Voting Results

Ariah Whitlow, Editor-In-Chief

Super Tuesday is a super important day for both voters in the U.S. and most importantly, Democrat nominees for the presidency. This was the Tuesday where voters go out and choose who they want to represent the Democratic Party for the 2020 election against President Donald Trump.

Candidates included former Vice President Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Mike Bloomberg and Tulsi Gabbard. This week, Mike Bloomberg officially dropped out of the race and is now fully endorsing Joe Biden. On March 5th, Warren officially dropped out of the race.

On Super Tuesday, the candidates with the most votes were Biden and Sanders winning a majority of the states, but overall Biden is winning.


  • Alabama
  • Arkansas
  • Maine
  • Massachusetts
  • Minnesota
  • North Carolina
  • Oklahoma
  • Tennessee
  • Texas
  • Virginia
  • Overall: 566


  • California
  • Colorado
  • Utah
  • Vermont
  • Overall: 501

It’s looking like a very close race between remaining candidates Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden through votes. President Donald Trump, has been keeping tabs of all the candidates progress, specifically Bloomberg and Sanders, but claims he is not worried about Biden. Since Super Tuesday voting closed, we’ll soon have our main Democratic presidential candidate for this year’s 2020 election against Trump and it looks to be between Sanders and Biden.