Students Express Individual Creativity
September 16, 2020
Today, many people choose to express themselves through clothes and hairstyles. In the past, the dress code has prohibited students from having unnatural hair colors, but now that rule has changed.
“I have always been in favor of allowing hair creativity but the district dress code prohibited it,” Principal William Daniels said. “We lobbied for that change about 2-3 years ago and it has now passed.”
Students are free to express themselves as long as the clothing or hair does not become a disruption to the campus or is prohibited by the district. Administrators are only as strict as is called for by the district policy. Some administrators don’t agree with the past dress code, especially since many feel that much of it is outdated.
“I will not speak for other campuses as I do not know what they are facing each day, but I do like that we will spend less time dealing with dress coding students,” Daniels said.
Some students have also spoken up about the change in dress code policies.
“I am actually very happy that we can color our hair because I love to try different things,” sophomore Liberty Taylor said. “I’ve actually dyed my hair a lot. My hair is now pink and gray and before all of this it was purple and blue.”