Freshmen Class Officers Inspire Change
Freshmen campaign posters hung across campus
The newly elected freshman class officers plan to give students more opportunities, make school a safe space and allow freshmen to have a full high school experience amidst COVID-19.
Historian Elizabeth Sura aims to change how students view school.
“I want to help them actually learn and enjoy themselves,” Sura said. “I want to make school feel like a safe and fun space that people want to come to.”
She believes that this position will allow her to help the school in meaningful ways.
“I wanted to be the class historian because I love helping people,” Sura said. “I felt like this position would allow me to help out the school in a greater and more creative way.”
Sura isn’t alone in this sentiment. Secretary Alyssa Fields also wants to bring fresh new ideas. She enjoys developing relationships with students, parents and faculty.
“I would want to change the school by allowing our freshmen to get the full high school experience with COVID-19,” Fields said. “My favorite part about being a school officer is getting to interact with so many people. I enjoy getting to build relationships with other people and I learn something new each day from these interactions.”
Class officers are elected to be the voice of their class and make their mark on the school.