Both band and choir representatives advanced to state. Senior trumpet player Rylan Nunez, sophomore trumpet player Evan Salas, senior flute player Axel Guzman and senior treble choir singer Daniella Delgado are all-staters.
“[State] was an amazing experience. It allowed me to grow as a person and a musician,” Nunez said. “I’m looking forward to advancing my career in college and hoping to continue music in my life.”
The band performed at Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA) in San Antonio, Texas, where musicians had the opportunity to perform with schools all around Texas.
“That weekend was amazing and life-changing to perform with amazing musicians across the state,” Salas said. “[That weekend was] revolutionary, [it] opened what could be possible for my high school career. I got to know what humility means to be a musician and respecting others.”
Each ensemble arrived at TMEA Feb. 13. They rehearsed for three days and on the last day of the convention, each ensemble performed a concert together.
“It was unlike anything I’ve experienced,” Guzman said. “Everyone brought high energy into everything they did, making the environment really welcoming to be in. I just wanted to be the best at what I do in my last year of high school.”
TMEA is not just for bands, it’s also for other musical fine arts and allows other all-staters to perform.
“What a privilege it was to have been able to make it,” Delgado said. “I was just extremely motivated to put my best foot forward, knowing it was my last time and that I got to leave everything out there when I go compete.”