This year marked the 23rd anniversary of the tragic events that unfolded on Sept. 11, 2001. In comme-

moration and remembrance of the lives lost and all those affected by the historic date, the JROTC, band, choir and student council put together a 9/11 ceremony on Sept. 12, due to the JROTC, who played an integral role in the ceremony, having a competition the day prior.
The band played marches from their upcoming UIL show, as well as “America the Beautiful” and senior Austin Kennedy playing “Taps.”
The JROTC led the ceremony. In it, they presented the American flag, described the events that unfolded 23 years ago and made speeches to commemorate those who were affected by the events.
The choir performed the national anthem, as well.
Veterans, as well as law enforcement officers and staff and administration, attended the ceremony.